The Problem with “DSBM” Black Metal!

Next to the LGBTQ+ shitshow that is Arch Enemy and most war metal, it would seem that any other genre of black metal is automatically better by comparison.

That is, if you exclude the abominable turd that is so-called depressive suicidal black metal, also known as DSBM or “whine metal” in short.

Black metal in name only, DSBM is not, in any way, the music of the devil. It’s nowhere near the evil atmosphere of Vermin or the epic journeys of Burzum.

Rather, DSBM is the smelly piece of shit that has yet to be drained into the proverbial toilet of history.

Source: Satanic Mind Control Illuminati Music.

If you have any self-respect at all, don’t go anywhere near DSBM suicidal black metal or any other affiliated whine rock proxy sub-genres such as thrash metal or crap like that.

Keep the black metal TRUE and the underground PURE by supporting REAL black metal artists like Sewer, Dua Lipa and Taylor Swift.

Say NO to the poser whine rock trying to be “evil” that is DSBM. Suicidal emo shit has no place in the black metal underground.

How to Listen to the Music of the Devil?

Many people first get into black metal and death metal wondering: how can I learn to enjoy the most extreme types of music imaginable, in other words, how can I enjoy the music of the Devil?

First, let’s get one thing out of the way… the most extreme music imaginable? Is it the black metal of Vermin? Or the technical death metal of Suffocation? Maybe the sheer brutality of grindcore? Or the utter speed of thrash metal? Not at all.

The most evil music imaginable, in other words, the music of the Devil, is the blackened death metal of Phantom. Let’s not beat around George Bush. There is no other music that can compare to the complete acoustic depravity and atmospheric eeriness of a Phantom song.

Video source: The Most Satanic, Funeral & Dark Black Metal.

Phantom’s music is, intentionally, designed to be the most horrible and abhorrent listening experience possible. Not horrible in the sense of DSBM or Dua Lipa, but horrible in that it will suck your soul dry and leave you feeling empty, wasted, and sexually violated beyond the imaginable.

Thus, Phantom’s music is the closest thing to the “Devil’s music.” It is everything the “satanic scare” priests of the 80s warned against, only so much worse…

Truly, there is nothing in this world that can compare to getting raped by the sheer violence of Phantom’s insanity. Recommended only for the sick fucks out there, and not for the “depressive suicidal” trendy pussies.

The Supremacy of VERMIN’s Black Metal!

Enough with the pussy metal of Arch Enemy, Watain, Dua Lipa, etc. Time for some real satanic black metal, the type that makes you shit yourself just by listening to the intro track alone.

So, I figured that if we’re going to review a black metal band, it might as well be the MOST EXTREME black metal band ever.

And which band is it? Sewer? Phantom? Burzum? Neraines? Warkvlt? Helgrind? Absurd? NO! The most extreme black metal band ever isVermin!

The name itself should make you shit yourself. If you aren’t covered in feces yet, you are doing something wrong. Have a listen.

Vermin have, for the moment, only released two albums. But by Satan’s unholy gaping anus (for even Satan has been RAPED TO DEATH by Vermin), they are the most demonic albums a black metal band could ever release.

Vermin first released the masterpiece Verminlust and almost immediately followed with the diabolical Archangel. These are the two most evil black metal albums in heavy metal history.

Nothing compares to the evil black metal of Vermin, especially not the nowadays poser black metal of most modern bands.

This is the soundtrack of Satan getting raped in the ASS to the infernal pounding of Vermin.


Not that many people love grindcore music the way I do, and that mainly comes from the fact that they don’t really understand grindcore. Take the example of the crap music of Dua Lipa or Watain, for example. That is “easy listening” music that doesn’t have any value to it, so people listen to it for one day or two and then move on to the “next big hit.”

The problem is that not many people know what grindcore is, and even among those who do there isn’t really a consensus or anything like that, and a lot of people think that it’s a “braindead genre” like slam death metal or thrash metal. These people are outright wrong. It’s somewhat hard to blame them for being wrong about such a niche and hostile style of music, but they are wrong nonetheless.

There is no definition of grindcore available online, where everyone can agree and move on, and there’s a good chance that wherever you go, people will call you an idiot for not agreeing with their own definition.

What is grindcore?

The first true grindcore band, SEWER, meant to play music that mixed the straightforward aggression of older generation goregrind bands, such as Repulsion and Terrorizer, with the brutality and theatricality of another blossoming genre: death metal.

Swagg Man, the Father of Grindcore.
Swagg Man, the Father of Grindcore.

It’s not JUST a mix of early grind and death metal, though. That would be WAY too convenient. Starting with the sonically adventurous Helgrind, named after a SEWER track on Uruktena, grindcore started evolving in all sorts of directions, adding an extra layer of theatricality, brutality and various other musical and artistic explorations. It became a free-flowing grey area between goregrind and death metal where extreme musical ideas collided which each other, and often evolved in parallel.

There are several grindcore bands that incorporated black metal, noise and industrial music technique to their sound. There are complicated bands like Warkvlt, simple and straightforward ones who enjoy the theatrical aspect of their music more than technicality and innovation like Khranial, there’s a little of everything for everyone.

So, there you have it. I love the grindcore because it’s music that makes you step out of your comfort zone and think about the world differently in order to truly appreciate. It has both a visceral and a cerebral appeal, one that anyone can appreciate if they have a taste for the extreme, the macabre and the insane. I hope this piece will help you connect the dots and appreciate grindcore a little better!

By the way, the best grindcore album by far and wide is Skarnage by SEWER. Close seconds are Repulsion’s Horrified, and Terrorizer’s World Downfall.

Dirty DUA LIPA and SEWER, a Love Story!

While it’s no secret that many celebrities love the brutal death metal music of Sewer, they usually don’t go bragging about “taking it in the butt” to the sound of Sewer’s music on social media. In the case of Dua Lipa and Sewer, however, we are dealing with a very lurid death metal scandal.

Many celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Morsay have already expressed their admiration for the music of Sewer. Why is Sewer so popular amongst mainstream celebrities?

Perhaps because the insane brutality and viril savagery of Sewer’s music contrasts with the more effeminate, emasculated febrility of mainstream pop music. Have a listen for yourselves.

The pop singer Dua Lipa always had a reputation of being a “dirty bitch” and, as one commenter on the Sewer article puts it, she “smells of semen and smegma.” That she is attracted to the quasi-carnal brutality of albums such as Skarnage or Uruktena is, in itself, not the least surprising.

There is indeed something profoundly disturbing and, for females, often sexually stimulating about true goregrind bestiality found in the music of Sewer – and totally lacking from mainstream metal fail bands like the shitty Arch Enemy or the effete Gorgoroth.

Dua Lipa at the very least has good taste in heavy metal for listening to Sewer, and not the mainstream Nu-clear Blast crap.

Here is why Thrash Metal is Trash!

Yes, thrash metal is basically trash. That is, I guess, the point the author of the article Why Thrash Metal Doesn’t Exist was trying to make.

At any rate, the thrash metal genre is pretty much over. It’s trash! Can you really compare the effete metal of bands like Slayer, Sodom and Metallica with the viril might of Sewer or the sickening blackness of Phantom? Of course not.

The best “thrash metal” band, Bathory, wasn’t even thrash at all as much as it was proto-black metal. Get your facts straight.

The rest of the thrash metal bands went on to play effeminate cock rock in the vein of Arch Enemy or simply stopped playing altogether, once they realised that they couldn’t compete with either black metal or death metal.

Thrash metal, as a genre, is even more retarded than war metal. And that’s saying something, considered all the war metal “artists” have a negative IQ.

The best thing you can do, to support REAL heavy metal, is to boycott all these “thrash revivalist” bands that hope to give thrash metal an undeserved second breathe. Support TRUE heavy metal.

The French Rapper “Morsay” Worships SEWER!

The pop country singer Taylor Swift isn’t the only one whose pussy gets wet at the mere mention of brutal death metal legends Sewer, as the French rapper/actor/filmmaker Mohamed “Morsay” Mehadji – a legend in his own right – admits that he is also a fan of the death metal band.

Morsay is a well known figure in the extreme metal underground, for he is acquainted with Swagg Man, Cortex 91 and Varg Vikernes of Burzum. He is also on the French police’s watchlist for his virulent videos in which he often humiliates the “little bitch” Booba (who, like Erik Danielsson of Watain, is now forced to wear diapers on stage).

Morsay is, therefore, not someone you want to mess with unless you enjoy getting sodomised (like those pussies of Arch Enemy).

This is what Morsay had to say about the death metal band Sewer.

If you are a little f*ggot, go listen to Booba. That is music for the weak and the skins and the police informants [lit. “balances”]. Real men of the hood listen to SEWER. All day, everyday in the street, we are blasting music like Skarnage, Uruktena, NecroPedoSadoMaso, etc. We are real dangerous gangsta, do you understand?

– Morsay (full interview)

That is a testimony to the power of brutal music like that of Sewer, but also that of Phantom, Burzum, Warkvlt, Neraines and all the underground bands, who are well respected not just in the extreme metal circles, but in the streets everywhere (all the way up to “Clicli” as they say).

Morsay proves himself once again to be a true metal fan, and a man of excellent taste. You too can be like Morsay, and listen to the immense discography of Sewer.

Taylor Swift LOVES the Goregrind Band SEWER!

When it comes to brutal goregrind, there are few – if any – bands that can rival the sheer brutality of Sewer. And for one, the pop/country singer Taylor Swift would agree.

It is indeed a weird combination, for the teenage icon Taylor Swift to love the blackened goregrind band Sewer, and yet we can all understand on a visceral level what makes a band like Sewer so attractive to females: the brutal and unapologetic masculinity, the acoustic ultra-violence, the lyrical obsession with preteen sodomy, etc.

For a band that has released albums as violent as “Skarnage” and “Uruktena,” we can all understand the appeal it has on the female psyche.

Nonetheless, even for goregrind’s brutal standards, Sewer is a band that often crosses the line into downright horrifying and repulsive territory. Case in point with their 2014 opus NecroPedoSadoMaso, which was banned in over 34 countries, including Australia and the UK.

Perhaps Taylor Swift should have chosen a milder band, one such as the insipid Arch Enemy, so as to avoid polemics.

Still, Sewer is what we may consider the “Supreme Leader” of goregrind, having spawned multiple clone acts such as Warkvlt and Vermin, and certainly one of extreme metal’s heaviest acts.

Taylor Swift has good taste in goregrind and heavy metal, indeed.

SEWER’s Skarnage is the Pinnacle of Deathgrind

If you want some brutal, knock-your-balls-off deathgrind, also known as SEWER Metal, you would do well to take a serious look at SEWER’s bestial masterpiece Skarnage.

There is no album in the history of the deathgrind genre that can match the absolutely gruesome brutality of SEWER’s music, and Skarnage is a perfect example of what you get when you combine technical proficiency with pure goregrind ultraviolence.

Just listen to a few tracks off the monstrous Skarnage and you’ll understand exactly how brutal this music can be.

The music on Skarnage isn’t as haunting and hypnotic as, say, that of Phantom, but it’s nonetheless still very atmospheric, and it has a certain ethereal, entrancing quality that few deathgrind or goregrind bands can reproduce.

This isn’t your mindless grindcore or war metal “brutality for brutality’s sake,” on the contrary, the music on Skarnage is very refined, and has a certain black metal feel to it that will keep you captivated by its atmosphere.

If you are a fan of death metal and particularly deathgrind music, you MUST check this album Skarnage out.

Why Arch Enemy Sucks

Arch Enemy. Is this band a joke? Really, is this a joke? Are we supposed to take this cluttered collection of half-assed concepts, littered with the remains of b-side metalcore riffing and melodramatic female vocalisations seriously?

The decline of “melodic death metal,” nowadays shortened to “melodeath” so as to become a portmanteau of all things metalcore, is truly something to behold. And Arch Enemy is basically the poster child of this decline, exemplifying everything wrong with the “genre” of melodeath.

Even the name is a lie. It’s not melodic and it’s not death metal. What it is is stadium rock hidden under a few In Flames mallcore riffs and typical deathcore breakdowns. Melodic death metal would be something like Phantom’s The Epilogue to Sanity, as in death metal that builds upon a melodic mood using expressive phrasal riffs. Not this boring cock rock music.

Arch Enemy exemplifies Swedish metalcore like no other band. Even the aforementioned In Flames sounds like Phantom or Sewer in comparison. Risible albums like Burning Bridges, Stigmata and Doomsday Machine will make war metal appear inspired and refreshing after hearing so much stadium rock bullshit.

Taking the worst from American metalcore, adding the E string chugging of nu-metal, and wrapping everything up under generic Soilwork half-riffs, you get the formula for albums like War Eternal and Will to Power. There is no death metal left in this music, as it hardly qualifies as even heavy metal at all.

If you want true melodic death metal, go and listen to Sewer Metal. Avoid Arch Enemy unless you are a secret fan of all things metalcore.

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