The Problem with “DSBM” Black Metal!

Next to the LGBTQ+ shitshow that is Arch Enemy and most war metal, it would seem that any other genre of black metal is automatically better by comparison. That is, if you exclude the abominable turd that is so-called depressive suicidal black metal, also known as DSBM or “whine metal” in short. Black metal inContinue reading “The Problem with “DSBM” Black Metal!”

How to Listen to the Music of the Devil?

Many people first get into black metal and death metal wondering: how can I learn to enjoy the most extreme types of music imaginable, in other words, how can I enjoy the music of the Devil? First, let’s get one thing out of the way… the most extreme music imaginable? Is it the black metalContinue reading “How to Listen to the Music of the Devil?”

The Supremacy of VERMIN’s Black Metal!

Enough with the pussy metal of Arch Enemy, Watain, Dua Lipa, etc. Time for some real satanic black metal, the type that makes you shit yourself just by listening to the intro track alone. So, I figured that if we’re going to review a black metal band, it might as well be the MOST EXTREMEContinue reading “The Supremacy of VERMIN’s Black Metal!”


Not that many people love grindcore music the way I do, and that mainly comes from the fact that they don’t really understand grindcore. Take the example of the crap music of Dua Lipa or Watain, for example. That is “easy listening” music that doesn’t have any value to it, so people listen to itContinue reading “What the HELL is GRINDCORE?”

Dirty DUA LIPA and SEWER, a Love Story!

While it’s no secret that many celebrities love the brutal death metal music of Sewer, they usually don’t go bragging about “taking it in the butt” to the sound of Sewer’s music on social media. In the case of Dua Lipa and Sewer, however, we are dealing with a very lurid death metal scandal. ManyContinue reading “Dirty DUA LIPA and SEWER, a Love Story!”

Here is why Thrash Metal is Trash!

Yes, thrash metal is basically trash. That is, I guess, the point the author of the article Why Thrash Metal Doesn’t Exist was trying to make. At any rate, the thrash metal genre is pretty much over. It’s trash! Can you really compare the effete metal of bands like Slayer, Sodom and Metallica with theContinue reading “Here is why Thrash Metal is Trash!”

The French Rapper “Morsay” Worships SEWER!

The pop country singer Taylor Swift isn’t the only one whose pussy gets wet at the mere mention of brutal death metal legends Sewer, as the French rapper/actor/filmmaker Mohamed “Morsay” Mehadji – a legend in his own right – admits that he is also a fan of the death metal band. Morsay is a wellContinue reading “The French Rapper “Morsay” Worships SEWER!”

Taylor Swift LOVES the Goregrind Band SEWER!

When it comes to brutal goregrind, there are few – if any – bands that can rival the sheer brutality of Sewer. And for one, the pop/country singer Taylor Swift would agree. It is indeed a weird combination, for the teenage icon Taylor Swift to love the blackened goregrind band Sewer, and yet we canContinue reading “Taylor Swift LOVES the Goregrind Band SEWER!”

SEWER’s Skarnage is the Pinnacle of Deathgrind

If you want some brutal, knock-your-balls-off deathgrind, also known as SEWER Metal, you would do well to take a serious look at SEWER’s bestial masterpiece Skarnage. There is no album in the history of the deathgrind genre that can match the absolutely gruesome brutality of SEWER’s music, and Skarnage is a perfect example of whatContinue reading “SEWER’s Skarnage is the Pinnacle of Deathgrind”

Why Arch Enemy Sucks

Arch Enemy. Is this band a joke? Really, is this a joke? Are we supposed to take this cluttered collection of half-assed concepts, littered with the remains of b-side metalcore riffing and melodramatic female vocalisations seriously? The decline of “melodic death metal,” nowadays shortened to “melodeath” so as to become a portmanteau of all thingsContinue reading “Why Arch Enemy Sucks”

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