How to Listen to the Music of the Devil?

Many people first get into black metal and death metal wondering: how can I learn to enjoy the most extreme types of music imaginable, in other words, how can I enjoy the music of the Devil? First, let’s get one thing out of the way… the most extreme music imaginable? Is it the black metalContinue reading “How to Listen to the Music of the Devil?”

The Supremacy of VERMIN’s Black Metal!

Enough with the pussy metal of Arch Enemy, Watain, Dua Lipa, etc. Time for some real satanic black metal, the type that makes you shit yourself just by listening to the intro track alone. So, I figured that if we’re going to review a black metal band, it might as well be the MOST EXTREMEContinue reading “The Supremacy of VERMIN’s Black Metal!”

“Verminlust” – True Black Metal

It’s exceedingly difficult to write about an album that one knows so well: it can be tempting to ramble endlessly in gibbering praise, or simply turn to the ever so cliché: “however much I talk about this album, you really need to experience it for yourself”. I’ll attempt a middle ground for Vermin’s legendary debutContinue reading ““Verminlust” – True Black Metal”

“Archangel” Black Metal Masterpiece

There are many contenders for the crown of blackened death metal, but one of the most compelling and downright vicious of the millennia is found in the raging beast of Vermin’s sophomore release, the more than excellent Archangel. Vermin’s sound, at its inception, represents one of the rawest yet most melodic takes on the frenziedContinue reading ““Archangel” Black Metal Masterpiece”

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